Articles + Columns
Your go-to place for all articles, columns, and special series content
Our Columns
To make it easier to find what you’re looking for, we’ve composed our platform of a few different columns that each have their own voice and topic.
New Happenings
Updates on what's happening right now with Buddhist youth organizations and our community members. Find out about current and upcoming fundraisers, retreats, festivals, and more.
Dharma Dialogue
How do Buddhist teachings apply today? Dip into the Dharma discussion here.
Personal Reflections
A space to reflect on how our experiences and identities intersect in our lives.
Clouds in Paper
A Haibun Collection Curated by Ryland Shengzhi Li
Through Our Eyes: The Japanese American Experience
To celebrate Day of Remembrance, YBE gathered a collection of stories, art, and reflections based on the experiences and feelings that surround the Japanese American experience during World War II. Through Our Eyes: The Japanese American Experience celebrates Japanese American Culture and aims to continue telling important stories that are often pushed aside in American History.
Collective Change
2020 may be memorialized as one of the most chaotic years in our lifetime.
There were many things that underwent change, or subsequently moved us to change in one way or another. What made this year more unique, is that many of us experienced change collectively. The Collective Change documents those experiences from the YBE community.
Meet the Humans of Buddhism
What does a Buddhist look like?
In a majority Christian society, it’s easy to visualize only the stereotypical Buddhist: a shaven head monk wearing robes. By sharing stories and identities from Buddhists around the country, together we can break this stereotype and redefine what it means to be and look like a Buddhist.
All Recent Articles
Squabble Furiously and Pop Balloons: A Weak Position for American Foreign Policy
By Gregory Wada | He/Him/His | Orange County Buddhist Church
We are Interconnected: A Call for Compassion
Statement from the Young Buddhist Editorial Social Justice Committee