Social Justice Committee
Social Justice Committee Events
Wednesday, June 22nd at 6:00pm PT/8:00pm CT/9:00pm ET
Come learn about who and what is YBE, how to get involved, and some of our past & ongoing projects!
Thursday, October 21st 5:30pm PT
Join the YBE Social Justice Committee for a conversation on the relationship between Buddhism and Environmentalism.
Tuesday, August 31st 5:00pm PT
Speakers Dr. Jean-Paul R. Contreras deGuzman (he/him), Mariko Fujimoto Rooks (she/her/null), and Gina Mie Goosby (she/her) discuss acknowledging colonial legacies & living in a post-colonial reality
May 22nd, 2021.
A Retreat Inspired by Be the Refuge facilitated by author Chenxing Han and YBE.
July - August 2020
YBE’s series of workshops on Black Lives Matter and antiracism, held in summer 2020.