AAPIHM: Healing
Open Call for Submissions
As Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month (AAPIHM) comes to a close, we want to hear about the ways that you have processed being Asian American and/or Buddhist. What are the ways that you have seen your community heal and come together?
For the month of June, we will be accepting submissions for our second annual AAPIHM Open Call. We invite you to use this open call and our platform to share your experiences and stories.
Your topic could explore anything related to Asian American identity, community care, or any other focus of interest. If you’re unsure about what to write, stay tuned for a post about some article “kickstarters” on our Instagram @youngbuddhisteditorial!
Deadline: Monday, June 21, 2021
Submissions can be any type of writing or art. 250+ Word Minimum for article-style pieces.
Send Submissions to: submissions.ybe@gmail.com
First and Last Name/Last Initial
Location (City, State)
Temple Affiliation (If applicable)
Cover Image for Article (Encouraged)
Submissions will be published in the Cultural Conversations column on youngbuddhisteditorial.com and may also be featured on the YBE social media channels.